Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, 5/23 PM

 10:30 pm. I guess it's about time to call it a day, and head up to bed, but it is so hard to do that when the sun is still shining and it is still so beautiful out.  The dogs are a bit restless tonight, and I am, too.  The highest the thermometer read here today was 64, but I don't believe it. It was HOT. I would have been much more comfortable in a pair of shorts on my walk today, and I have sunburned cheeks to show for it. Maybe it was the air temp, but the sun felt much warmer.
     Tricky and I started down the boggy path through the woods to check out the sandhill cranes, but it was TOO boggy.  I wore a pair of boots with splits in the side, and just a little ways in, I was sporting wet feet. I decided to save that hike for another day and wear the boots with no splits next time. So we turned around and headed up the road for a drier, on the road, hike to the Aurora Dog Mushers Association clubhouse. Kristin had said it was about two miles. It was a GREAT hike.

Three Roads Diverged, into a tundra woods...
When in doubt, follow the dog. Or at least a dog sign!

Except, just slightly unnerving, listening for moose and hoping not to see any. Or bears. I realized, mid hike, that I had set out with just a leash around my neck in case of anything untoward, for Tricky, and my camera and phone. I PROBABLY should have just carried a small backpack and thrown that in, plus a bottle of water and BEAR SPRAY.  I realized, mid hike, I was hiking thinking like a Western New Yorker, NOT an Alaskan. Although I'm pretty sure Kristin hikes it, and so I think it really was pretty safe. I was pretty careful to pay attention and not day dream like I normally do!  Scared a couple of ducks I didn't recognize off a swampy pond, and was lucky enough to see a couple of others hidden in a boggy patch in the woods on the side of the road.

Mallards, I think?

 No sign of the moose around here at all today. Must be the willow shoots are greener someplace else.
     Fed, watered, poop scooped the dog yard, and played with the pups tonight for about an hour. Then in to make a grilled caribou burger, some cashew rice, and broccoli for dinner. It was yummy. Everything tastes better here. My imagination, I'm sure, but it seems to. Might have something to do with the fresh air and exercise.   Did some chores around the house for awhile tonight, and made my to-do list for tomorrow. Really important stuff, like: clean Kristin's truck, get water, hike around the pond! I could really get used to THAT kind of a to-do list. I cannot believe how FAST the days fly. No TV, no radio, no one else to talk to - and the days just pass so quickly. I love how happy I am. I love how much I love it here.
     Something has the dog yard up the road stirred up - I can hear all 40 of them barking in the distance. It's music to sleep by.

   Good night from Bacon's Acres, Big Lake, Alaska.

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