Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday, 5/22 AM

     The dogs in the yard have been fed this morning, and are now all chilling out on top of houses or laying in the dirt, digesting their breakfast. Tricky, the indoor/outdoor house/sled dog has chased his squirrel, barked at a moose who got too close to the dog yard for his comfort, accompanied me up to the end of the driveway to water Kristin's bulbs that are emerging, and is now sacked out on the deck outside. And I have just poured a cup of coffee. All is still. And silent, but for birdsong, and quiet. And well. The day is grey, cloudy, but bright. I'm not sure how that is, except I think that maybe it is because there is so MUCH sky here, and the light is so different because of the latitude, that even when it is cloudy and threatening rain, it is bright. And the spring green of the new tree growth everywhere lightens the horizons, draws your eye to them, and upward. I am happy and content. 
   It is hard to believe that today is Tuesday, and I have already been here since Saturday night. Those first 48 hours went quickly, felt fast, because a lot happened in that short amount of time.There was a lot of busy-ness, necessary, to get ready for Kristin to leave, and to take advantage of the short time that my friend Cathy and her son Noah had here, before they had to head back to Kotzebue. Eventually I will digest and process that, and I have some pictures of the first few days, things we did or saw. I realized this morning this is not going to be as easy for me as I thought.  Not that posting is difficult. Heck, I have all day. And all night. I could post 27 times a day if I felt the desire. No, what I didn't think about is that I am a reflective thinker, so while I can, and will, post daily pictures and activities, processing them, what each day, each thing I do, means to me - that will take longer. I am really good at just being IN the moment, IN each day,- and I do love that about myself -  that trying to think about what I'm thinking about... (hmmm, what???) - that takes longer. But, that's ok. This is a great way for me to have a daily journal, and will serve me well deep next winter when I'm longing for this time here. I will be able to return to this, and relive each day. And insights? Well, maybe they'll come, and maybe they won't. But for now, I'm just overwhelmingly grateful to have this time with the dogs to just BE.
I'm going to post this, and then download some pictures and post those in a bit. I feel like I will eventually get my act together and be able to put pictures WITH words, you know, like a normal blogger does? But eh... it's ok. It's my first day "on my own," here, and my priority is doing things right for the dogs, and so .. whatever works for me, and for them, is what it will be.

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